SAHBA Community Projects
Sanford Area Home Builders Association (Local Chapter No. 3463)
Habitat for Humanity Projects
What is Habitat for Humanity International?
- A nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry.
- They seek to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to
make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
- To accomplish these goals, they invite people of all backgrounds, races and
religions to build houses together in partnership with families in need.
- Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1976 by Millard Fuller, along with his
wife, Linda.
- Today, they have built over 350,000 houses around the world, providing more
than 1.75 million people in 3,000 communities with safe, decent, affordable
Sanford Area Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build 2003
Sanford Area Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build 2004